Henrik Pipoyan
can express himself clearly and fluently exploiting a wide range of
language with a high degree of accuracy. He can adapt his expression
appropriately to the situation. He can communicate confidently and
competently in well-structured language in both personal and
professional contexts.
- A General Language Programme
- Specialised Language training in the fields of government advice, enterprise support, human resource development, agriculture, energy and transport
- Background to the European Community
- A programme of study visits
- Additional Guided Individual Study in the multi-media learning centre
His detailed profile of competence in terms of the Eurocentre Scale of Proficiency is as follows:
- He can understand standard spoken English, live, recorded on broadcast and identify speaker viewpoints and stated attitudes in addition to the information content (level 8)
- He can understand different kinds of standard written English on a wide range of subjects of personal or professional interest, generally recognising implied as well as stated opinions and differences in style in addition to identifying points of emphasis. (level 8)
- He can speak fluently, using a wide range of language to express himself clearly and effectively in well-structured language with a high degree of accuracy and appropriacy. (level 9)
- He can write clear, accurate, well-structured English, employing a wide range of expression with a high degree of appropriacy to convey ideas and emphasise significant points to achieve a particular effect. (level 9)
Signed by the Principle
Signed on behalf
of teaching staff

Foundation for European Language and Educational Centres