English > Armenian Freelance Translator
19/1 Vagharshyan Street, # 15, Yerevan, 375012, Armenia
Tel./Fax: + 374 10 22 35 60
Mobile: + 374 99 22 35 60
Email: m a i l AT p i p o y a n D O T c o m
Website: http://www.pipoyan.com/
Fields: law, medicine, marketing, finances, agriculture, literature, religion
- Freelance translator, Yerevan, Armenia. Work with companies and government agencies in Armenia, Russia, US, UK, Australia, Canada and elsewhere; compile an Armenian-English Dictionary.
- Vice President, Biayna, Ltd., Moscow, Russia. Conducted daily correspondence with foreign companies; composed and translated letters, contracts; etc., headed negotiations with foreign partners.
- Office Manager, United States Department of Agriculture�s office in Yerevan, Armenia. Managed office staff, hired translators; held meetings; translated fact-sheets, agreements, projects, etc.
- Chief Editor, Central Administration of Mass Media, Yerevan, Armenia. Reviewed and translated books and articles in Eastern and Western Armenian, Russian, English and French.
- Native language is Armenian.
- Fluent in English, Russian and French.
- Expert user of MS Word, QuarkXpress, MS Excel, MS Front Page, Corel Draw, Acrobat Writer.
- The Current State of Agriculture in Armenia (Armenian-English), Yerevan, Armenia, 1992.
- Ellen G. White, Steps to Christ (English-Armenian), Yerevan, Armenia, 1993.
- Ellen G. White, The Lion on the Loose (English-Armenian), Yerevan, Armenia, 1995.
- Ellen G. White, The Story of Redemption (English-Armenian), Zaoski, Russia, 1997.
- Antranik Poladian, History of Armenians of Arabkir (1,020 pages), (Armenian-English), London, UK, 2004.
- Science and Technology in Armenia, US National Academies (English-Armenian), Washington, DC, 2004.
- V-Uzh, The Dark Side of the Moon (Armenian-English) (over 120 poems and 30 stories), Los Angeles, USA, 2005.
Hardware and Software
- Hardware: PC Intel Core2 Quad, Q 9300 @ 2,500 GHz, RAM - 2 GB, HDD - 1,000 GB.
- Software: MS Office XP, QuarkXPress 6.1, InDesign CS, Acrobat 8.0 Professional, Corel Draw 12.
Availability & Performance
- Available Monday-Friday, from 11 a.m. until 8 p.m., Armenia time is GMT + 4.
- Daily output for no-rush jobs: 1,500-2,000 words; rush jobs: up to 3,000 words.